Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Vulnerabilities in Deep Learning Language Models (DLLMs) with Jon Cvetko (A PNSQC Live Blog)

Vulnerabilities in Deep Learning Language Models (DLLMs)

There's no question that AI has become a huge topic in the tech sphere in the past few years. It's prevalent in the talks that are being presented at PNSQC (it's even part of my talk tomorrow ;) ). The excitement is contagious, no doubt exciting but there's a bigger question we should be asking (and John Cvetko is addressing)... what vulnerabilities are we going to be dealing with, specifically in Deep Learning Language Model Platforms like ChatGPT?

TL;DR version: are there security risks? Yep! Specifically, we are looking at Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) models. As these models evolve and expand their capabilities, they also widen the attack surface, creating new avenues for hackers and bad actors. It's one thing to know there are vulnerabilities, it's another to understand them and learn how to mitigate them.

Let's consider the overall life cycle of a DLLM. we start with our initial training phase, then move to deployment, and then monitor its ongoing use in production environments. DLLMs require vast amounts of data for training. What d we do when this data includes sensitive or proprietary information? If that data is compromised,  organizations can suffer significant privacy and security breaches.

John makes a point that federated training is growing when it comes to the development of deep learning models. Federated training means multiple entities will contribute data to train a single model. The benefit is that it can distribute learning and reduce the need for centralized data storage, it also introduces a new range of security challenges. Federated training increases the risk of data poisoning, where malicious actors intentionally introduce harmful data into the training set to manipulate the model’s generated content.

Federated training decentralizes the training process so that organizations can develop sophisticated AI models without sharing raw data. However, according to Cvetko, a decentralized approach also expands the attack surface. Distributed systems are nearly by design more vulnerable to tampering. Without proper controls, DLLMs can be compromised before they even reach production.

there is always a danger of adversarial attacks during training. Bad actors could introduce skewed or intentionally biased data to alter the behavior of the model. This can lead to unpredictable or dangerous outcomes when the model is deployed. These types of attacks can be difficult to detect because they occur early in the model’s life cycle, often before serious testing begins.

OK, so that's great... and unnerving. We can make problems for servers. So what can we do about it? 

Data Validation: Implement strict data validation processes to ensure that training data is clean, accurate, and free from malicious intent. By scrutinizing the data that enters the model, organizations can reduce the risk of data poisoning.

Model Auditing: Continuous monitoring and auditing of models during both training and deployment phases. This helps detect oddities in the model behavior early on, allowing for quicker fixes and updates.

Federated Learning Controls: Establish security controls around federated learning processes, such as encrypted communication between participants, strict access controls, and verification of data provenance.

Adversarial Testing: Conduct adversarial tests to identify how DLLMs respond to unexpected inputs or malicious data. These tests can help organizations understand the model’s weaknesses and prepare for potential exploitation.

There is a need today, for "Responsible AI development." DLLMs are immensely powerful and can carry significant risk potential if not properly secured. While this "new frontier" is fun and exciting, we have a bunch of new security challenges to deal with. AI innovation does not have to come at the expense of security. By understanding the life cycle of DLLMs and implementing the right countermeasures, we can leverage the power of AI while at the same time safeguarding our systems from evolving threats.

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