
Thursday, May 5, 2022

Live From Gallaudet University, It's InflectraCON 2022

 I'm excited to be in Washington, D.C. this week. It's the first time since last year that I've been able to travel for a conference and it's also the first time I've been in the U.S.A. Capital since I was a teenager. 

I am at InflectraCON which is an interesting blend of both Agile Testing and DevOps and more to the point, it's the first event done with the merger of Inflectra and Software Test Professionals (STP). Thus, for those who have read or seen me talking about STP-CON, this is the evolution of STP-CON in a different jacket, so to speak.

This conference is being held at Gallaudet University, which for me is a poignant place to be delivering my particular talk. As many of you know, one of my primary focuses is Accessibility and Inclusive Design. The talk I will be delivering for this conference is "The Dos and Don'ts of Accessibility". I can think of no better place to deliver this talk than at the U.S.A.'s pre-eminent university for the education of deaf and hard-of-hearing people.

One of the challenges that we face at this event is of course the fact that we are hammering this poor University's network so I will do my level best to make updates as I can. My goal is to get talks out as they are happening but I may need to delay my postings. Regardless, as always, I intent to summarize and pontificate on each talk given, so watch this space.

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