
Thursday, September 17, 2020

Coming to PNSQC in October: Add Some Accessibility to Your Day

 First off... Hello again, Hello!

Where have I been? Many places and no place whatsoever. that seems to be the story of 2020 for many. I wanted to be inspiring. I wanted to write. I wanted to do a lot of things. Ultimately, I kept hoping each day would get better and there would be something more for me to discuss or focus on. I have a podcast I produce regularly, and we are back to two episodes a month. I've focused on a change to a new workgroup and a new focus. My eldest daughter is doing cosmetology school online and we are "office mates" in the sense that she is doing her classes in the family room just outside my office. Other than those, every day is pretty similar. I wake up, I work, I doa few things, I stay close to home, I keep my interactions with others to a distant minimum. Rinse and repeat.

Regardless, one doesn't change something if they just sit still and tread water, so let's break this quiet period and get back into the swing of things. What better way to do that than some good old fashioned shameless self-promotion ;)?

I will be giving a workshop at the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference on October 14, 2020. This conference, due to the changes in gathering and groups in close proximity, is going to be virtual. I will confess, I'm a little anxious about this because I'm used to workshops having a give and take and me communicating with people directly. How much of this will we be able to do remains to be seen. Nevertheless, I am happy to take on the challenge.

My workshop will be titled "Add Some Accessibility to Your Day" and it is a beginner-friendly approach to looking at and focusing on real Accessibility testing that people can do every day with a handful of tools, a focus on looking at a variety of scenarios and a site that will allow us to look at Before and After examples of Accessibility features present and absent. Also, this year, the workshops are included in the price of the conference, ab=nd the conference is considerably less expensive due to the virtual format. 

The trailer for the workshop can be seen here:

Also, another thing to mention... I have launched the TESTHEAD YouTube channel. At the moment, this video is it but there will be more to come in the coming days and weeks. Please feel free to Like and Subscribe and all that :).

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