My huge thanks to Jennie Bramble (@jenniedoesthings) for live-tweeting basically my entire talk. Thus, I'm going to capture for posterity her stream of consciousness and again offer my enthusiastic gratitude :).
an hour ago, 27 tweets, 23 min read
It's time for Is This Testable? A Personal Journey to Learn How to Ask Better Questions From My Applications and Engineering Team with @mkltesthead at @PNSQC #PNSQC2019
I like playing dress up in many forms.
It's a voyage of discovery!
Testability involves a few things: communication, involvement, and a willingness to look at a product objectively.
A hypothesis is testable if there is some real possibility of deciding wether it is true or false based on real experience.
What is light? What is dark? We don't really know, so we can't really test it. But if we use actual numbers for light and dark, then we can test if they are too close.
"Generally speaking, math is pretty consistent. We'll leave string theory out of this."
You can't automate a subjective feeling. You can automate objective things.
Get familiar with your log files! Welcome to your first flash of the blindingly obvious.
We can all agree this is generally how cars work. Tesla owners, don't get at me.
We have to look at the things that plug into our application--each component has log files that I need to keep track of.
The takeaway I want to encourage is to champion unified log files wherever you can.
How many of you have a good relationship with your sales engineers or customer support engineers? Only a few? Okay, homework: go home, find one, buy them a drink, and learn about their pain points.
If you can collaborate with someone like a sales engineer for CSR, they can help you have the best test environment available.
Being able to plug in feature analytics will let you know how people are adopting your features. What features are they actually using?
We can guess, but real data is much better.
Second piece of homework: everyone go look up
"How am I going to test this?" If you don't ask this for every feature, you will regret it.
"What are situations I can throw at this problem that go beyond the status quo?"
I'm a reenactor and a cosplay nerd--I love persona testing!
Conduct regular show and tell--show people what you've been working on!
Pair with your developers. Work on tests together!
Identify your dependencies. Your application is not just your application--it is only as testable as he most remote dependency you have to interact with.
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