
Friday, August 17, 2018

The Testing Show - Conferences and Conferring with Anna Royzman, Claire Moss and Mike Lyles

I have been terrible with my shameless self-promotion as of late, but I think it's time I switch that up a bit. Remember my comment about that "grind" earlier in the week? Here's the end result and yes, I always feel better about it after it's all said and done because I enjoy seeing the end product and most importantly sharing it with everyone out there.

I have a little favor to ask as well if you are so inclined. Do you enjoy listening to The Testing Show? If you do, could I ask you to go to Apple Podcasts and write us a review? Reviews help people find the podcast and make it more likely to appear in the feed listings. Seriously, we all would really appreciate it. We work hard to bring these out and I'd love nothing better than to have more people be able to find it.

In any event, we hope you enjoy this month's episode. To set things up, here's the lead in for the show:

August is a busy time of year for software testing conferences (not to mention conferences in other industries). This month, we decided that, with everyone heading off to conferences hither and yon that we would dedicate a show to the topic, and we have done exactly that. Anna Royzman (Test Masters Academy), Claire Moss (DevOpsDays) and Mike Lyles (Software Test Professionals) join us as guests in their capacity as conference organizers, speakers and attendees (not necessarily in that order) to riff on Conferences and Conferring with Matthew Heusser, Michael Larsen, and Perez Ababa. Want to know where to go, what format to take part in or if you want to try your hand at speaking/presenting? We’ve got something for all those bases!

The Testing Show - Conferences and Conferring with Anna Royzman, Claire Moss and Mike Lyles: The Testing Show team discusses the QA conference season with Anna Royzman, Claire Moss and Mike Lyles. Tune in to learn more!

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