
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Mental Hopscotch: 30 Days of Accessibility Testing

The Ministry of Testing has declared that May should be "30 Days of Accessibility Testing". As in the days of yore when I used to take on these challenges and blog regularly, I'm in the mood to get back to doing that. Therefore, I am looking to write a post every day around this topic and as a way to address each line of their checklist.

23. Find missing semantic information (e.g. headers, landmarks, links, and buttons).

Yesterday, we had a look at Semantic HTML and what it is. Today, let's take a look at how well my blog actually uses it (yep, we're picking a fight with TESTHEAD once again :) ). That means, indirectly, I'm also calling out Blogger as to the way it lays out its pages since TESTHEAD is hosted on Blogger.

As I open the source and try to see what each page would be showing me, the fact is, most of the layout for Blogger is not using Semantic HTML in any easy to see manner. Almost everything is a div, with a hierarchy in CSS that is a bit hard to decipher on first glance.

an example of page source showing the DIV's used to construct the page layout.
A quick look at the div listings. They are named, but not using the examples highlighted yesterday.

Here's a look at the navigation section, which does use a header tag:
View Source showing the TESTHEAD navigation links

Granted, Blogger is a template system, and there is a lot of manipulation required to make those templates work with individual customization, so a semantic design may be difficult to pull off, but I wonder if I could work some of the options into my individual posts. I will give it a try tomorrow for comparison.

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