
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Spreading Some E-Book Holiday Cheer: #Packt5Dollar Deal

For the life of this blog, I have deliberately avoided any direct advertisement, or made any attempt to "monetize" it. I plan to keep it that way, since not accepting advertising allows me to say exactly what I want to say the way I want to say it.

Having said that, there's no question that several book publishers have been more than kind, giving me several dozen titles for free over the years as review copies. More than half my current technical library consists of these books, and many have been great helps over the years. If I can return the favor, even just a little bit, I am happy to do so.

Packt Publishing, located in the United Kingdom, is one of those publishers, and they are currently holding a special $5 E-book sale. Any and all e-book titles from Packt are available for $5 for a limited time (until January 6, 2015).

Again, Packt has been very generous to me over the years, and I appreciate the fact that they are offering this opportunity. I've already take advantage of it... and have added even more books to my Tsundoku list (LOL!). For those curious, I decided to purchase the following:
  1. Backbone.js Cookbook
  2. Java Script Security
  3. JMeter Cookbook
  4. Kali Linux Network Scanning Cookbook
  5. Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms
  6. Learning Python Testing
  7. Responsive Web Design By Example
  8. Selenium Design Patterns and Best Practices
  9. Selenium webDriver Practical Guide
  10. Web Development with Django Cookbook
  11. Wireshark Essentials
Happy reading :)!!!

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