
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Diversity is More than Skin Deep: New Uncharted Waters Post

A short post to say that I have a new entry up over on the IT Knowledge Exchange Uncharted Waters blog. It's titled, "You Keep Saying Diversity, Does it Mean What You Think it Means?"

As I discussed in my live blog posts at EuroSTAR a couple weeks back, many of the discussions are based around "external diversity". Understand, the current environment for many companies and events makes that conversation extremely relevant. I am sensitive to the fact that there is not a broad representation in the computer sciences or in information technology, and yes, gender, ethnicity, and mobility are important areas to focus on.

Less discussed are the areas inside of each of us that make us unique, and dare I say it, possibly hard to manage. This article is meant to keep the conversation going and look at the other less obvious areas where diversity may be taking a hit, even while we are focusing on external factors.

Please have a look, share your comments on the article page, and hey, while you're at it, perhaps consider making Uncharted Waters a regular stop. Between Matt, Justin and myself, we post a number of interesting articles about software delivery, technology, work, the changing technical landscape, and yes, even some software development and software testing, too.

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