Ajay Balamurugadas and Brian Osman are helping lead the next wave of software testing craftsmanship. This time, instead of addressing the workmanship and craft of testing (which Weekend Testing is well situated to help build and grow), Pair, Learn, Present is meant to help testers develop their skills as presenters (like, in public, with a full room of people, on testing and technical topics).
Are you interested yet?
Pair Learn Present (PLP) is being developed as a safe environment where testers can learn presentation skills by pairing with a partner, taking on a topic, and then presenting that topic to the world (through webinars or live presentations where appropriate). The idea and format is similar to Weekend Testing and espouses the idea of pairing testers to share knowledge and develop skills, however PLP will be focusing on developing presentation skills.
So if this sounds like an exciting idea to you (and it definitely sounds exciting to me :) ), then send an email message to PairLearnPresent [at] GMAIL [dot] com and tell them you want in. From there, they can help you with selecting topics and pairing with other testers.
You can also connect with PLP here:
On Twitter: @PLP_Learning
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003306257247
On Skype: PairLearnPresent
Is 2012 the year you plan to break out of your shell and start presenting? If you've been hesitant or unsure, this may be a great way to get your feet wet. I've already told them my interest, so if you're looking for a partner to present with, hey, I'm available :).
I'm signed up - dunno if transAtlantic pairing woul work out with the time differences though. I was wondering if you found your past 'rock star' life experiences made presenting easier ?