
Friday, July 1, 2011

PODCAST FRIDAY: Performance, Old Tools, and "Death Throes"

Well, this was a relatively quiet week as far as podcasts go, but while it was quiet on some fronts, a big delivery came this week that I am  really excited about, and maybe some of you out there might be as well.

First, this week, Matt sits down with Scott Barber to discuss Performance testing and what lead Scott Barber to choose that path. Scott is probably one of the foremost voices on  performance testing... well, to me in any event. Any time I think of performance testing, Scott's name and image tend to show up strongly in my mind. This is the first of a two part interview, so if you'd like to listen to Part 1, it's right here :).

Second this week is a bit of retro weirdness with Merlin and Dan over at "Back to Work". In "My Baby Likes Aluminum Foil!", Merlin and Dan take a stroll down memory lane and all of the tools and apps that we used to use in the 90's and some of which still exist in some form or another today. It's not one of the strongest BTW to date, but it's a fun addition anyway, especially if you are into Merlin and Dan's quirky senses of humor (which I assuredly am).

Finally, this is really and truly the "Holy Grail" of podcasting to me, and since this is such a huge and epic delivery, I have to make mention of it. If anyone has followed my blog for long, you know that my "podcasting hero" and archetype for what I consider to be great quality podcasting is Dan Carlin. Well, this week, he delivered something huge, something amazing, and something I'm surprised hasn't driven him stir crazy at this point. "Death Throws of the Republic, Part VI". Now, to call this a "podcast" is a bit unusual. First, it is an astounding five and a half hours. Why? Because when Dan started this story, he thought there might be two or three shows worth of material, but each time he uncovered one area, another would come to light, and another and another. It was looking like "Hardcore History" would be come the "Fall of the Roman Republic" channel forever, so he decided to end the series with one massive episode, and massive it is. It's also amazingly riveting. While I can't say I listened to the whole thing at one sitting, I listened to most of it at one sitting. Yeah gang, Dan's that good! When I talk about what I want my podcasts to ultimately be... Dan is the gold standard. Why history for testers? I figure there might be a few arm-chair history geeks like me out there, and history often helps us make up heuristics as to how we see the world and how we test the world around us for "what works and what doesn't". I think it's a really valuable skill for a tester to have, a sense of history and knowing what came before and why.

Next week I will be out of the loop. I'll be up at Summer Camp with my Scout Troop. Internet connectivity may exist, or it may not, so if you don't hear from me for a week, well, now you know why :). Have a great week everyone, and a happy 4th of July for those in the U.S. celebrating it.

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