So this is a first. As an April 1st gag, uTest launched a spoof site called In honor of the site, Matt reached out to Heather and Andy Tinkham to be interviewed together. Why? Well, other than being a married couple, they are both testers!
This is also our first two part interview, in that there was too much to cover in just one session (which makes sense when you interview two people :) ). This first part of the interview covers a fair amount of ground, starting with heather's move from academia to business (she was working towards a PhD when she decided she'd had enough) and Andy also described some of his challenges in the academic space and his experiences at Florida Tech studying with Cem Kaner. Andy also talks about what he feels are the benefits and challenges with automated testing and his primary focus on test automation over the years, as well as Microsoft and other companies visibility on that issue. Rounding out the discussion is Matt and Heather talking about companies that deal with the "long ball" aspects of testing and business development, and what it takes to get beyong the quick fix or core competencies to remain relevant for years down the road. Anyway, don't take my word for it, have a listen to Episode 42 for yourself.
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Again, my thanks to STP for hosting the podcasts and storing the archive. We hope you enjoy listening to them as much as we enjoy making them :).
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