
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Weekend Testers Americas (WTA) Preparing to GO LIVE This Saturday

So here's where we stand...

  • We have a group dedicated to making the event happen.
  • We have some ideas for topics to start out (we want to begin with some test technique ideas and put them to real world exercise).
  • We have identified some applications that will be tested (which one we test will remain a secret until the session starts... don't want to give unfair advantage to anyone, and besides, that's the general M.O. of the Weekend Testers operations, let everyone start on an even playing field and discuss things going in with the same level of understanding, or lack thereof :) ).
  • We have a time set for it to happen. We will begin at 2:00 PM EST (11:00 AM PST).
  • We will use Skype to conduct the sessions (Skype ID is "weekendtestersamericas").
  • We will use Twitter and the @WTAmericas name and #WTAmericas hashtag to announce start times and share announcements about the testing events.

We have all this, but what don't we have yet?

  • We don't have a confirmation from the Home Office if they will be able to participate with us this go around (unless someone wants to work the night shift; 2:00 PM EST is 12:30 AM in Bangalore). I'll update this once we know for sure if they can help us facilitate this go around.

But most importantly...


In short, for this to work, we need participants! We need testers to come and play with us, confer with us, struggle with us, laugh with us, and learn with us. Make no mistake, none of us are gurus. Some of us have a lot of experience, and we've been around the block a few times, but that doesn't mean we are the wise ones and all shall sit at our feet and partake of our wisdom. That's not the point of this. The point is that we will all learn from each other, and we will all share insights and instincts that will help each other grow and develop into better testers. Beginning testers, you may be the one to offer more insights than those of us who've been doing this for years (think I'm kidding? Check out some of the experience reports on the Weekend Testing site, you'll see what I mean).

Here's everything you'll need to participate:

Weekend Testing – Americas Chapter Session No. 01
Date: Saturday, November 13, 2010
Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM PST
Add “weekendtestersamericas” to your Skype contacts if you haven’t already. Please send an email to
with the subject WTA01.
Joe / Michael / Lynn
Weekend Testing – Americas Chapter
For more details, contact

So come out and join us this weekend for our fledgling mission. We are excited, and we are looking forward to getting this "Americas Adventure" off the ground.


  1. do you have a link where we can sign up?

  2. Hi Shilpa... that would be helpful, wouldn't it (LOL!)?

    Here's the link on the weekend testing site that has all the stats.

    I'll add it to the post as well.

  3. Michael all the best with this, hope it goes well and you get a decent turn out.

    Not being in my timezone I'll not join in but I'll be sure to read the report & transcript.

  4. Good luck Michael!

    Looking forward to the write-up.

  5. Excellent news! Have fun - I will try to join you if I can, but I suspect that the times will clash with my sister's graduation. (It's 7pm-9pm UTC/GMT isn't it?)

    Will be looking forward to the report :)

  6. Skype id is 'WeekendTestersAmericas' and not 'Weekendtestingamericas' as mentioned in this post. I could add using the email id:

  7. Thank you for that catch, Ajay, I've fixed it in the orginal post :).
