I’m still playing with ways to even out the sound in the interviews without causing Matt to sound like a John Lennon dub or squash the interviewee into sounding like they are coming out of a can. It just seems to be the nature of the beast when it comes to recording interviews via Skype and a single input interface. One of the changes I’ve made is to modify the Nyquist chain for Clean Speech to not render the audio in mono, since it will output it in stereo in the final version. Next week, we’ll see how it fares.
Today's interview is with Zach Spencer, a developer who made a conscientious decisioin to become a tester. He says he receives many comments of “oh, I’m sorry, what happened?” and respondes with what is for me easily the best line in the entire interview “I get WAY more interesting problems to solve than YOU do!” :). Zach talks about his work with Pillar Technology and how his understanding of development has helped him in testing, specifically glass box and gray box testing. Cyclomatic complexity and code coverage..
For those who want to check it out, here is Episode #13.
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Each podcast is free for 30 days, but you have to be a basic member to access it. After 30 days, you have to have a Pro Membership to access it, so either head on over quickly (depending on when you see this) or consider upgrading to a Pro membership so that you can get to the podcasts and the entire library whenever you want to :). In addition, pro membership allows you to access and download to the entire archive of Software Test and Quality Assurance Magazine, and its issues under its former name, Software Test and Performance.
Again, my thanks to STP for hosting the podcasts and storing the archives. We hope you enjoy listening to them as much as we are enjoying making them :).
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