
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Software Test Professional and TWiST

For many people in the testing community, this may be redundant, but on the off chance you are not dialed in to most of the mainstream testing sites, blogs, and peeps, I’d like to draw attention to an initiative of Software Test Professional and Matt Heusser called “This Week in Software Testing”, or TWiST.

Matt is the host of this little adventure, and last week Matt marked the third installment. The primary delivery method is via podcast, and for your time you get to hear a 30 minute or so interview between Matt and others of the testing world who share their experiences, accomplishments and frustrations.

For those who missed the first two installments:

• In TWiST #1, Matt interviewed Lanette Creamer (aka Testy Redhead) about costs involved with testing.

• In TWiST #2, Matt interviewed James Bach, and provided links to two interview segments, one the primary interview and the second is a “bits and bytes” conversation about self education and what James means by being a Buccaneer Scholar, as well as a link to a talk given regarding software schedules and risk management at the 2006 Indianapolis QA Conference.

In the most recent installment, TWiST #3, Matt brings us more shiny testing goodness in his interview with Jason Huggins about Selenium, as well as providing links to a tutorial on using the Selenium IDE (registration required, but its free), plus video links to two of Jason’s talks about Selenium.

Go to the page to see more, and while you’re at it, add TWiST to your regularly scheduled reading (err, listening). I think you’ll find it worth your time :).

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